The COVID Cardinal Virtual 5k is a 5k run/walk that'll take place anywhere you want, starting on November 1st and ending November 30th at 11:59pm. Once you finish your run or walk, you can upload the information to the itsyourrace website or to their app. There will be prizes for the Top 3 Male and Female Runners with $50 Runners Gift Cards given to the 1st Place Finishers Male/Female and $25 Runners Gift Cards to Male and Female 2nd and 3rd Place Finishers. All proceeds from this event will go towards SESA (Student Exercise Science Association) which is a leadership organization through SVSU and our mission is to raise health awareness on campus, extend the education of its members, supplement the curriculum of the Exercise Science program, and create professional networking opportunities for the organization's members.
Entering your time into our results page:
You can list your virtual race time 2 different ways. The easiest is to upload the free mobile app which will track your distance, route and time, and you can upload your time to Its Your Race directly through the mobile app. You can also upload an image of the route or your photo to Its Your Race. To upload the mobile app, use the appropriate link (Apple or Android/Google) directly on the right side of this screen. Once you log into the app with your email info used for registering, search for COVID Cardinal 5K.
You can also enter your time manually by clicking on the Result tab near the top of this screen, scroll to your name and click the Update Time button. (Update Time button will not appear on the Results page next to your name until Sunday, November 1). You will then need to sign into Its Your Race using your email address and password you used when registering. If you registered as a guest, you will need to register yourself at this time to enter your time.
If you choose to purchase the Runners Stay Strong themed shirt/swag option, please be aware that the shirts are high quality 100% cotton shirts, so please choose your shirt size accordingly, taking the shrinking into account.
Finally, we want to thank you for your support of COVID Cardinal Virtual 5k. Below is a photo of the race shirt and swag available to purchase if you choose to do so.